Main Settings

The Main Settings are responsible for the behaviour and look of the FX-Panel.

General Settings


Currently we support English (EN) and German (DE). If you change the language preference, the FX-Panel will be restarted.

Product Notifications

If active, you will be informed about new bundles, once they are available in our shop.

Preset as Top Layer

If active, a preset will be always applied on top of all layers. If inactive, a preset will be always applied above a selected layer or group. (Unless differently assigned within the panel options).


If active, the FX-Panel will be still running in the background, even if it’s closed. This is necessary for global Shortcuts.

Return with right click

If active, you can use a right click in the preset options, panel settings, quick menu or preset info to quickly return to the list or image view.

List View

FX-Panel Main Settings List View

Sort by

The list view can by sorted either alphabetically or by bundles (actions, scripts and camera raw filters). If sorted by bundles, a separator will appear. The bundles and the presets within the bundles are sorted alphabetically.

Double Click

Defines if a double click on a preset within the list view either creates the preset or opens its options. Default: options.

Show Custom Presets

If active, presets that include Custom Presets will be labeled with a small blue triangle in the bottom right corner of a preset within the list view. By holding the SHIFT key and clicking on that preset, a Custom Presets list will appear.

Group Settings

FX-Panel Main Settings Group

Open group after creation

All looks and effects are created within a group. If active, the group will be opened after the preset has been applied, so you can see its content. Now you can quickly select any of its layers and start making adjustments.

LOOKS group color

Defines the group color for all look presets.

EFFECTS group color

Defines the group color for all effect presets.

On Start-up

Open search on start-up

If active, the search will be opened by default, every time you start the FX-Panel.

Start-up view

Choose between the list and image view as the default view.

Quick-Finder category on start-up

Select which Quick Finder category should be selected by default.

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