Create Button

In this article
The Create button has up to six different functions. The position of the round slider (pointing at the text) and the color of the button indicate which function will be used. To change the function of the Create Button, simply click on the text. The Create button can be found at the end of every preset option.


Apply the preset to the current document. If pressed back to back, the preset will be applied multiple times on top of each other! Use Create if you want to add multiple effects, looks or time-saver. Do not use Create, if you want to experiment with one preset by changing its parameters.


Apply the preset to the current document AND delete the previous one (if existing). Use Replace if you want to adjust parameters for looks or effects. But keep in mind, that the previous creation will be deleted.


Apply the preset to the current document AND hide the previous one (if existing). Use Hide if you want to compare different versions of your looks, effects or time-saver.


Switch to Batch Processing with the current parameters of the selected preset.

Undo Presets

Hold the shift key while hovering over the Create button. This will undo all looks and effects applied to the current document.

FX-Panel Undo Presets Button

Default Values

Hold the ALT/Option key while hovering over the Create button. This will set all parameters of the current presets to default values.

FX-Panel Default Values Button

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